Step 1 – Commit to a daily time and place
We recommend the morning before you start your day—but for some, night or during the day might be best. Unless you are reading with your marriage partner or family, find a quiet secluded place. You will do this every work day, Monday through Friday (Matthew 6:6-13)
Step 2 – Select a good translation
A good translation has been developed by scholars from many denominations working together to create an accurate translation based upon the most recent and best manuscripts. We recommend the New International Study Bible (NIV) or the English Standard Version Study Bible.
Step 3 – Commit to read one chapter of the New Testament a day for 5 minutes
Read with a prayerful heart, seeking the Spirit’s guidance. See the attached summary—if you read one chapter a day for each day of the work week (not weekends) you will read the New Testament in a year.
Step 4 – Find one verse from each chapter to apply to your life Use a notebook and then follow the S.O.A.P process (see sample attached):
Scripture that stands out to you (S=Scripture)
Observation about what it means (O=Observation) Application to your life (A=Application)
Prayer (P=Prayer)
Step 5 – Pray with a simple outline
Pray simply and use the Lord’s prayer as an outline. Without an outline or guide, our prayers become self-centered.
5 minutes to read 10 minutes to pray
Scripture verse to apply – Matthew 1:19
Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.
Joseph was a righteous man because he wanted to do the right thing—follow God’s law—but he also did not want to publicly embarrass Mary since she was pregnant, so Joseph initially thought, from another man.
Like Joseph, I want to be a righteous man who follows God’s laws. I want to be the kind of person that is devout and earnest to obey, but I also want to be the kind of person who is gracious with those who do not follow or obey God. That combination—pursuing righteousness, but being a gracious, merciful person is my ideal.
God, as I pray the Lord’s prayer today, help me to be a man equally committed to your HOLINESS and your GRACE.